Apr 28, 2023 | The "Just Be" Blog, Counselling Myths
10 Myths About Counseling Which Might Be Holding You Back Misconceptions about counselling often discourage people from seeking help and contribute to the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Let’s explore ten myths about counselling to help challenge our...
Apr 27, 2023 | The "Just Be" Blog, Uncategorized
The Power of Connection: Benefits of Online Counselling Online counselling through a secure video conferencing platform, has become a popular choice for people seeking therapy due to the numerous benefits. Access therapy from the comfort and familiarity of your own...
Mar 2, 2023 | The "Just Be" Blog
From Compassion Fatigue to Burnout: The Risks of Neglecting First Responders Mental Health As a first responder (including firefighters, police officers, emergency medical technicians or any other medical personnel), you learn, train, practice, and experience how to...
Jan 18, 2023 | Home Page, The "Just Be" Blog
Building a Strong Therapeutic Relationship It can be terrifying and vulnerable to find a therapist and go to therapy. In fact, most people feel some sort of nerves before seeing a therapist. So how do you find a therapist? How do you get ready to meet a stranger and...
Jan 2, 2023 | The "Just Be" Blog
Before Even Considering Mental Health Support, Let’s Pause For many of us, there are aspects of our lives we would like to change. The difficult part is admitting it to ourselves and taking some sort of action. You may not know what to do, and the uncertainty of what...